Social Media Marketing

What you'll learn

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Social Media is a powerful channel for marketers. In this course, you learn more about the main social media platforms, how to manage your social media presence, leveraging organic and paid to advertise, and creating effective content for each platform.

Demonstrate proficiency with practical projects

Projects are based on real-world scenarios and challenges, allowing you to apply the skills you learn to practical situations, while giving you real hands-on experience.

  • Gain proven experience
  • Retain knowledge longer
  • Apply new skills immediately

Social Media Marketing
$ 249.00 USD

This course includes

ne subscription opens up this course and our entire catalog of projects and skills.

Monthly Subscription


4-Month Bundle*

Avg. time for a Nanodegree

Save 15%


Taught By The Best

Erica Reid

Digital Marketing Manager

Provider. Udacity