Project Management: Tips and Tricks for the Non-Project Manager

What you'll learn

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Hands-on Class Project

Share what resonated with you!

Use one or more of the techniques from this class to put together an outline of an approach for a project you’re managing.

Here are some questions to consider when building your outline:

  • What tips and tricks from this class resonate with you most?
  • How will you need to structure your schedule in order to meet your project goals?
  • What project management tips could you easily start implementing in your day-to-day?

Start a free trial to continue this class

Project Management: Tips and Tricks for the Non-Project Manager
$ 249.00 USD
$ 449.00 USD

This course includes

  • Hands-on Class Project
  • Share what resonated with you!
  • Use one or more of the techniques from this class to put together an outline of an approach for a project you’re managing.
  • Here are some questions to consider when building your outline:
  • What tips and tricks from this class resonate with you most?
  • How will you need to structure your schedule in order to meet your project goals?
  • What project management tips could you easily start implementing in your day-to-day?