AI Product Manager

What you'll learn

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The AI Product Manager Nanodegree Program offers a comprehensive overview of AI and machine learning for business. It covers the basics of AI, creating a business case for AI, and measuring success. Learners will also learn to create a high-quality dataset, design annotation instructions, and build a medical imaging classification system. The program covers building and training AI models, evaluating results, and measuring impact. The capstone project involves developing a business proposal for an AI product, defining success metrics, scoping the dataset, planning model development, and building a monitoring plan.

Demonstrate proficiency with practical projects

Projects are based on real-world scenarios and challenges, allowing you to apply the skills you learn to practical situations, while giving you real hands-on experience.

  • Gain proven experience
  • Retain knowledge longer
  • Apply new skills immediately

AI Product Manager
$ 249.00 USD

This course includes

Kirsten Gokay

Product Manager at Appen

Meeta Dash

VP of Product at Appen

Alyssa Simpson-Rochwerger

VP of AI and Data at Appen

Andrea Butkovic

Product Manager at Appen

Provider. Udacity

Monthly Subscription


4-Month Bundle*

Avg. time for a Nanodegree

Save 15%
